Thursday, February 16, 2012

Christmas Flashback: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

This cookie came from Cookie Fest 2011 that my friend Belle put on. Along with Belle, Alicia, Samantha and Jenny we made several treats. I am going to release them in a 3 post series. Stay tuned because they are yummy as well as gluten free!!!

1 cup creamy peanut butter
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg
24 mini Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, unwrapped
2/3 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
2 tbs heavy cream
1/4 cup mini M&Ms

Preheat oven to 350F. Beat peanut butter, sugar and egg until combined. Scoop dough evenly into 24 count mini muffin pan. Bake for 13-15 min until almost done. Remove from oven and press Reeses into the center of each cookie until flush with top of pan. Return to oven for 2 min to get the chocolate to meld together. Remove and set aside to cool for 10 min. Place chocolate chips and 2 tbs heavy cream into microwave safe bowl. Microwave in 30 second intervals until melted smooth. Drizzle chocolate over the top of the cookies and sprinkle with mini M&Ms. We used regular sized M&Ms because we couldn't find the minis.

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